70% of women still don't feel represented in media & advertising. That's why Dove is taking action with Girlgaze Photographers, Getty Images and women everywhere to create Project #ShowUs - the world's largest stock photo library powered by women to shatter beauty stereotypes around the world.

WINNER Silver for 2019 Cannes Lions for Social Change, this film for Dove’s #ShowUs campaign aims to

celebrate a more diverse and inclusive portrayal of women and beauty. Dove partnered with Getty Images

and Girlgaze to create the largest collection of images by and of women, non-binary and female-

identifying people. Erin worked with individuals from across 39 countries to shatter stereotypes

and focus on a more culturally representative vision of beauty, confidence, and success.

Director: Erin Heidenreich

Client: Dove

Agency: Publicis Sapient

Production Co: Furlined

Producer: Dustin Highbridge

DP: Ashley Connor

Editor: Marlo Caine
